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Last Drink Effort photo

Yellow Heart

Counterfeit life 
Rage under the sky 
Exasperated conceptual grace 
I have not rebelled life’s lack of elegance and accepted it out of candor 
And the civility 
Of suicide
There is an attitude in the liberated fetal detachment
You unhappy being 
Tolerable only in the stories we tell 
That ruin the prayers we forget 
There is free reign to imposters 
Murderous obligations to the moral heroes
Fraud in flattery
You were too proud 
To accept the melancholy defeat
As it enshrouded you in the thick vat of mud
But you were never beautiful enough to love
Remedy in your misery darling
Covered in rags and alive in a gutter 
You were so weary 
Once you were 
Long forgotten people 
Something like a banished star 
Eyelids to blind eyes 
One by one the lashes fell
Lashes lashes 
You bled yellow
We didn’t stop until we devoured the sun 
Last of the light.


Last Drink Effort

With no purpose to the design 
Gestures of unsettling 
Shocked by this amebic makeup 
Blinking it all away 
Body peeling off the surface of the ocean.

Brutality of lucidity 
Data of life altered to hypocritic authority 
The very conditions that bring to bear the audacity of contradictions
Human failings a plaything on principal
A litany of grievances and injuries.

When does a hole become a gaping mouth 
Conscious individuals made ominous 
Measured only by the length of our plight 
In depths indefinitely.

Inaugural shotgun shell on the rocks, last drink effort
Threw my life away when I rolled the dice on us
Inside that valley
Buried beneath bulldozed God’s acres.

Funny how
One year now
Without drink
And without 


In Some Garden Of Some New Kind

Abandoned lives
Future graveyards
Days heavy, a blur nonetheless
We are
Not prepared 
Harbingers welcoming the dogma in tragedy 
They handed out bouquets and we looked so pretty in blankets
And purple sunburn.

Nervous systems
Cut down to coffin churches 
Old dreams trampling mares in the night 
It is only ever winter here 
The grief was lovely as angels
Leaving no trace in the snow.

Since the considerable existence 
It is inevitable to desire
The end 
Paradoxical millenniums unequal to passed opportunity
The last ten years happened yesterday
Spiritual resources gone dry
Dry tongue scraping annihilated surfaces 
Survival lingers on repeating catastrophes
Contextualizing our cherished molt.

Unlearn every consequence 
That baby with the rat eyes drowned at the baptism 
A theory in accident given a name in entity of illusory deaths 
The submissive secret equilibrium 
Was happy in yolk 
Functioning in favor of imbeciles.

Lady of the night or woman of the street
Our articulation corrupted 
You’re laughing without smiling 
Soul portrayal in the anemic wiring and harlot minds
Detachment from reality nothing but agony.

Walking the desert naked 
Over all this
Where Jesus went
To feast.