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please believe me
            when i tell you this

            when i tell you of the high concentration of uranium and thorium 

you people
            must believe me

            when i tell you studies indicate the presence of these highly radioactive substances in the martian atmosphere

            can only mean
            can only be the result of

you must understand this

            it can only be the result of a deliberate thermonuclear explosion dating back approximately 180 million years ago


            research suggests a civilization once existed on the surface of mars

you people know of the ancient canals
you know of the face

            like the colossal heads carved out of stone around 900 b.c. by the olmecs here on this planet
            like the statues of king antiochus scattered upon the high plains of southeast turkey 

            the monolithic debris of a bygone reign

you people
            must believe me

            when i tell you studies indicate the superabundance of xenon-129 found in the northern hemisphere of mars

            can only mean
            can only be the result of

you must understand this

            it can only be the result of a bombardment of high-energy neutrons
            the distinct signature of a precision-based nuclear attack from some unknown cosmic force


            a civilizations was destroyed for no reason we here can comprehend and when i tell you

please believe me
            when i tell you this

            i myself have experienced such loss

you people
            must believe me

            when i tell you studies indicate no discernible difference exists between the loss of an entire civilization and that of a single loved one

            it can only mean

you must understand this

            one loss is neither greater nor less than any other loss
            it cannot be quantified
            this loss or that loss


            a loved one leaves nothing but the remains of their destruction
            the trace elements of their own inexplicable annihilation

you people
            believe me just this once

            i’ve done the goddamn research


image: Mike McGowan