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September 1, 2006 | Fiction

Big Country

Paul Silverman

"Now Mr. Nguyen, here, he could benefit from a little trip over to Harold's Running Bull. Quaff a few, soak up the local culture, and shake hands with the biggest griz ever shot down in this

August 1, 2006 | Fiction


Tao Lin

At dinner your friend took your cell phone from your bag and took a photo of me and put your cell phone in your bag. Everyone noticed and I think everyone thought about it too but no one said

August 1, 2006 | Fiction

Captain Cook Discovers Australia

Matthew Salesses

Melissa and I have been together for almost a month, descending through the center of Australia from Darwin near its north tip, sliding below the belly of the globe to Adelaide. Somewhere down the

August 1, 2006 | Fiction

The Magic Word

Kevin O'Cuinn

And then somebody said the magic word. Whale. It echoed and bobbed up and down the beach, and into the dunes, where I was relieving Victoria of her secrets.

‘Whale,’ she hummed,

June 1, 2006 | Fiction

The Jerry Garcia Orchard

Tom Sheehan


Once upon a time there was this balls-out bike rider out to visit all the Cistercian monasteries in this here good old USA, because something told him he had to. His name was Michael.

June 1, 2006 | Fiction

The Robot

Mike Jones

The Robot is constructed from only the finest and shiniest of all bolts and metals. All of it is stainless steel, because rust on a robot of this calibre is unacceptable. Total height of The Robot

June 1, 2006 | Fiction

Had It Not Been

Crissa Chappell

The guy at table six wiggled his fingers. “Mind if I asked a personal question?”

“Go ahead,” said Miranda, reaching for the check. He was going to anyway.

Table Six grinned. His sunburned

June 1, 2006 | Fiction

Creatures of Habit

Andrew Dicus

Andrew peeped out the window and noted that the end of the world, astoundingly, was small as a bee. 

"When's the last time you looked outside," he asked Julie, spread like Orion on the rug with

May 1, 2006 | Fiction

On Outlaws and Other Characters  An Interview with Chuck Kinder

Dory Adams

On an unusually sunny February afternoon in Pittsburgh, I had the pleasure of talking with Chuck Kinder in his sixth floor office at the University of Pittsburgh’s Cathedral of Learning building.

May 1, 2006 | Fiction

Pure Static

Craig Terlson

Dave wondered what had happened to the TV.

He had faraway memories of nature programs, black and white comedians with European accents and harshly lit news programs with stories as stark as

May 1, 2006 | Fiction


Rosie Sharp

As I was preparing to go away on a three-week women's backpacking retreat, Teddy said he was going to grow a beard in my absence. To be funny, I told him I was going to do the same, but once I got

May 1, 2006 | Fiction

California Dreamin'

Jeanne Holtzman

A note shoved under a sticky honey jar on a wooden spool table:

Maggie – 

So sorry I had to leave without saying goodbye. Boo hoo. I wish you were coming with me! Now I’ll be the only girl

May 1, 2006 | Fiction

Crooked Teeth

Ryan Michael Murphy

We ride the hook of route 87 straight from Utica to Newark without once stopping. The two of us go like vagabonds through tunnels and viaducts, me driving; my father in the passenger seat, slowly

April 1, 2006 | Fiction

why you should never go to used car sales in minor league ballparks


cheney stadium, home to the now defunct tacoma tigers and current tacoma rainiers, once held a monster used car blowout extravaganza in their parking lot. i was 17 and needed a cheap car, so i

April 1, 2006 | Fiction

Little Johnny Damon Gets No Respect

Christopher Monks

Little Johnny Damon enjoyed working in the produce section at Whole Foods. He took pleasure in stacking the lettuce and arranging the grapefruit and sweeping the dropped green beans from the floor.

April 1, 2006 | Fiction

The Worst Series

Charles West

Tony Montes had always dreamt of the moment he would stand in left field at Candlestick for this, the third game of the World Series. In his dreams, however, he wasn't 48 years old, and he hadn't

April 1, 2006 | Fiction

Baseball: A Life

Antonios Maltezos

It was like a chicken farm—a million bodies pressed together, and everyone was gulping at the cooler air overhead. I was still caught up in the gooiness of that last horrible image, tumbling into

April 1, 2006 | Fiction

Hot Dog

Jesse Morse

There were two strikes and Tony Phillips was at the plate. The A’s were losing to the California Angels in the bottom of the 9th inning, and the Raiders were in Los Angeles. I looked over and there

April 1, 2006 | Fiction

All My Childhood Heroes Played Ball

Devan Sagliani

She slurps her cherry cola loudly through her novelty straw and winks at me. I’m just turning eleven. She’s got candy pink lip-gloss on and a touch of blue eye shadow her older sister helped her

March 1, 2006 | Fiction

O is for Octopus

Susannah Breslin

She was a master of tentaculation. She was a cepholapod of considerable abilities. She was a writhing mandala of be-suckered sensory organs, feeling her way along. A long time ago, a man had been

March 1, 2006 | Fiction


Kim Chinquee

The summer's almost over, and everything seems lunar. There are bulbs glowing, some fading, and routine is like vanity in moonlight. Trips end and beans are in season, and at the Farmer's Market,

March 1, 2006 | Fiction

Zach: An Interview

Pasha Malla

Listen, Buddy, it’s important for you to keep in mind that I’ve known you since we were still playing with Duplo – remember that abutted fortress we built in daycare, and Mrs. Motoya was so amazed

March 1, 2006 | Fiction


Andrew Bomback

I suppose this should be obvious, but, in case you’re wondering, it’s impossible to sleep with your brother’s girlfriend without him finding out. Even if she’s technically his ex-girlfriend that

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